GTHR China

Responsible business - GTHR

At GTHR Poland, we believe in sustainable development and ethical business conduct. Therefore, we are committed to:

– ensuring safe and decent working conditions, with respect for human rights and prohibition of forced labor,
– treating all employees equally, regardless of origin, gender or religion,
– abide by the principles of free competition and build fair business relationships,
– to protect the environment and continuously improve our practices in this area,
– active participation in the life of the local community.

We have entrusted the implementation of these goals to the Corporate Social Responsibility Team, which takes care of:

– promoting company values and ethical behavior,
– respect of human rights, labor law, health and safety and the environment,
– implementation of CSR activities,
– maintaining channels of communication between employees, contractors and the community.

Guotai-Huarong (Poland)’s corporate social responsibility policy covers all employees, contractors and related parties.
