The Code of Ethical Conduct is addressed to all Guotai- Huarong (Poland) Employees. Its provisions also apply to our customers, business partners, shareholders and other stakeholders operating in the Guotai-Huarong (Poland) environment.
We have decided to include our desired attitudes and methods of operation in this Code. This document defines our assumptions regarding the formation of Employee attitudes and influence on building relations with the organization's environment. We take all the declarations contained herein with the utmost seriousness, pledging to abide by the principles contained herein.
We make it available to all our stakeholders for information.
The Code includes, among others:
Guotai-Huarong's mission, vision and values,
Company's ethical values,
The foundations of the relationship between the Employer and Employees,
compliance with the law,
dealing with stakeholders,
health and safety at work,
working conditions,
Equal opportunities and professional development,
privacy protection,
Relationships and relations between Employees,
Addressing conflicts of interest and corruption risks.