Big investment, new opportunities for the municipality

Interview with Yuan Xiangyun - general director and board member of GTHR (Poland)


Please tell us why you chose Poland, specifically Lower Silesia and Oława Municipality, as the site of your investment?

The factory in Godzikowice will be our first foreign investment. We considered many locations. However, the decisive aspect was its location practically in the center of Europe. Well-developed transportation infrastructure and access to skilled workers are great advantages of the Olawa Municipality. Since living in Poland, I have also learned that Poles are an extremely resourceful, hard-working and friendly nation. Personally, I am very happy that the choice fell on Godzikowice.

How is the construction plan presented? When will the factory start production?

At the end of May, we finalized the purchase of land for the factory. Now we are at the stage of collecting the necessary approvals and final work on the design of the entire factory. All this is being done in accordance with Polish law and the requirements imposed on us by the regulations in force here. We are also adjusting our operating standards to those of Poland. Once all the documents are completed, we will start construction. We plan to start it in late 2018 or early 2019. Construction work will take about a year. We will start production soon after construction is completed.

Please tell us what the factory will specifically produce?

Jesteśmy zaawansowaną technologicznie firmą  i produkujemy materiał do wkładów do baterii litowych. Jako jeden z trzech największych dostawców elektrolitów na świecie, specjalizujemy się w produkcji elektrolitu i mamy lata doświadczeń. Działamy zgodnie z najwyższymi standardami według ISO9001 i TS16949. Będziemy produkować elektrolit do baterii litowych do aut elektrycznych. Całkowita produkcja pozwoli na dostarczanie wkładów do 1 000 000 (milion) aut rocznie.

The production of electrolyte appears to be complex and high risk. Will the factory's operations affect the health of local residents?

Our factory will have absolutely no impact on the health of local residents. We have many years of experience in producing this raw material. Our factories and machinery are properly designed so that none of our employees have direct contact with the materials we use in production. We operate according to the highest standards according to ISO9001 and TS16949. Every stage of factory construction and machine design is strictly controlled. All production will take place in sealed, closed systems. And all by-products will be properly secured and neutralized, and solid and liquid materials will be exported and disposed of. Residents should have nothing to fear.

And what if there is some kind of accident, a leak?

In our long history of operations, not a single accident has occurred. Our factories are properly constructed and protected. From the beginning, our highest value has been our employees and their safety is our top priority. Of course, we will be adequately prepared for a possible emergency. We have developed special procedures for such an eventuality. However, our experience allows us to reduce any risk to a minimum.

Will you be looking for employees in the municipality? What will be the expectations of the sought-after crew?

As much as possible, we will be looking for employees locally. The ability to speak English, at least communicatively, will be a significant advantage. We will be looking for employees with experience of working in large manufacturing companies with a chemical profile. For individual positions, newly hired persons will receive appropriate training. We will announce the recruitment, among other things, on our website. We also plan to cooperate with local universities and partners. Over time, we will explore new opportunities for cooperation and research.

What additional benefits will the municipality receive after the factory is built in its area?

From the very beginning, we will support local industry with our activities. The operation of the lithium cartridge factory will provide raw materials to be used by European and global companies building batteries for electric cars. The location of the factory in Lower Silesia will complement the European and regional network of the electric car industry. At the same time, it will strengthen the local market and make it more competitive and complete. Such a large production plant will realistically affect the development of the local economy through the payment of taxes to the municipal budget and a wide range of employment opportunities for local residents.

Thank you for the interview and good luck with your investment!

I also thank you very much. You can find more information about our activities on our website See you there!


The interview appeared on 05.07.2018 on the Oława Municipality website (read:


Guotai-Huarong (Poland) sp. z o.o.

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+48 605 995 555

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